Stephen Hermer, on the beach at the Mission Possible compound in Lanzac Haiti, in November 2010.

Haiti - Day 6: Lanzac Church Service

I was up before 5:00am again, and feeling the need to be alone I went out and worked my way to the hammock near the beach. This was a nice, isolated spot that was not clearly visible to the rest of the compound, and as such was a great spot to think and pray. And I needed to do both, desperately.

The hammock at the Mission Possible compound was nicely isolated from the rest of the compound, under the trees near the beach.
The Mission Possible compound hammock was in a perfect location for isolated thought. Photo by Stephen Hermer

Occsionally, a Haitian or a small group would walk by, but for the most part they ignored me. I remained there, until perhaps 6:30 am, when I was driven back to the common area by a persistant begger. I don't blame the Haitian for begging, but considering my struggle with the poverty versus my own riches, it wasn't helping me feel any better. I remained in the common area until other team members started waking... and not wanting them to see me crying, I returned to the isolated corner with the hammock. I skipped breakfast with the group, but managed to get enough control to see the American team members off... this was their travel day back to the U.S.A.

After we were left alone, I changed into the best clothing I had with me and waited. Eventually our team was all ready and we walked with Pastor Herve to the Lanzac church. We took our places towards the rear of the church, as we were somewhat late, then were asked to introduce ourselves. I was caught off guard and said something to the effect of "Thank you for having us, and you are in our prayers" when it was my turn. The service itself was quite and experience, beautiful and different what I had previously experienced.

  <embed height="27" width="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="audioUrl=" src="" quality="best"></embed />
Music sample from the Lanzac church service on November 21, 2010.

I did not bring a video or still camera to the service, out of respect, but did record the music. Sadly, the volume in the church overwhelmed the tiny recorder, so the quality isn't fantastic, but the above sample should give you an idea what it was like.

After the service, we returned to the compound. I did not feel like eating, or conversing, or doing anything except pray by myself, but the others on the team were feeling more social so I didn't have much time during the rest of the day to think and pray by myself. We did get to spend a fair bit of time with Pastor Herve, which was amazing, and he gave us a tour of his library for the Bible school. We also moved into the married quarters, which were much better accomodations than we enjoyed in the dorms.

On day six, we moved into the Mission Possible married quarters, and enjoyed much better accomodations for the night.
The married quarters were much nicer than the dorms. Photo by Stephen Hermer

I did not take much in the way of video or photographs either, but after collecting sea shells and going for my last abortive swim in the ocean, I did take some photographs of the "pirate" sailboat (the one with the torn foresail).

The fishing sailboat with the torn foresail was back on day six, and just as beautiful and graceful.
Even when I am choked with grief, I can always appreciate the beauty and grace of a sailboat. Photo by Stephen Hermer

We played Euchre in the evening, and I went to bed a bit early.
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