Haiti Day 4 - La Hatte

Today we had a crazy adventure to the poorest school of them all. It was a 30 minute drive up a dried up river gorge. You can only get to this school if it hasn't rained for a while. The truck went thru an unbelievable bumpy road, I thought we were going to get stuck or tip several times. At points the river bank was 100 feet high and just a couple feet wider than the truck. It was hard to hold on in the back of the truck because the river bank was lined with cactus and thorn bushes that would scrap your hands/arms if you didn't watch out.

At the top of the mountain is was a hot desert, no trees for shade but the kids were the most friendly of all the kids we have met yet and they stuck by our side from the moment we got off the truck until we had to leave. This was the last of the schools and our official job to get 3000 kids pictures taken and the school registrations verified for the new year is now complete.

I'm so excited, tomorrow the group we are with, Mission Possible, has agreed to take us the orphanage at Gonvais that the 500 club in "the county" supports. The kids are sick there and we are taking clean water and a nurse to help train them on how to isolate and stop the spread.

Nathan, thanks for your email, I love to hear from you and I can't wait to see you. Have a great time with Nolan and please be good, that's a very nice thing that Mr Conley is doing letting you sleep over so please be good and make me proud of you. Jacob, you too! I really missed party night tonight with you but it's the weekend so that will go by quick and I'll be home before you know it!

Hi Chloe, have a great play tomorrow with Gracie and the girls.

Hi Sweetheart, ya Christmas wow hard to believe it's coming up. I'm not sure I should do your shopping here? People selling old junk along side the road and burning garbage everywhere. They won't let us go the market but when we were driving by I think I saw some of my old favourite shirts that you donated so I'm hoping to get a chance to buy then back. Can't wait to go to Peterborough and get into the Christmas mode as soon as I'm back.

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