Haiti Day 3 - Trip into the Mountains

Amazing day, today we drove about 10 minutes down an old bumpy road then the truck dropped us off and we hiked for another 10 minutes up a steep mountain to a village school to Degeance, what an unbelievable to experience. The classrooms were separate little huts with tin roofs and woven grass sides that the kids could peek at us thru.


We were able to get 300 kids registered for school and their pictures taken before lunch. We got to travel with 2 of the children to visit their homes. The first home was made of cement and it was about the size of our bathroom. Inside there was 2 rooms and 9 people lived there. They all slept on rags on the floor. It seems sad but they are happy. The kids get a meal of crushed up beans and rice everyday. It's all they get for the whole day and they love to come to school. The school teaches them math and literacy but also about Jesus and the hope that gives them is really all they have but it's all they need. The kids at the Mission Possible schools are clean, healthy and happy.


Day 3 Mountain School at Degence:



Mission Centre:


MPCA School


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