Haiti Day 2 - Straight to Work

It’s very hot here, it was soo sunny today that one girl on our team had sun stroke(not Emily). … and we worked sooo hard. We were up until midnight sorting and writing out name cards for over 1,200 kids. This morning they woke us at 6am and we got straight to work travelling about a 10 minutes in the back of an old truck.

Today we finished early enough that we got back to MissionPossible just in time that I could jump in the ocean for a cool down swim. Tonight we had Haitian food for dinner. Beans and rice, chicken legs, fried plantain, fried bread fruit, hot sauce, beet salad. It was actually all very good.


After dinner Pastor Herve gave his testimony. I won't ever be able to do it justice but this man is amazing. He has lived a very tough life. His father left his mother when she was pregnant with Herve. A child in Haiti without a father has very little hope. When Herve's mother found another man, they had 4 other children and Herve was treated very poorly. He was the oldest but got to eat only if there was food left over. He wasn't welcome in his own home and eventually had to go live with his uncle. His uncle put Herve in school and started taking him to church but life was difficult. One day Herve was riding on the back of a truck and decided to try end his miserable life…just as he was about to jump, he felt the spirit of God whisper to him not to jump so he didn't. After Herve heard God's voice he began to find purpose. His uncle taught him to drive and Herve got a job driving for Mission Possible. Herve felt a strong calling to evangelism and asked Mission Possible if he could start sharing Jesus at the school. They agreed that Herve could do evangelism 1 day each week. Several came to know Christ and Herve ask if he could do more evangelism, they said no, you are our driver and we need you to drive! A week later Herve came back and said God was calling him into evangelism and if he couldn't do that fulltime he had to quit and he did! (They said he was crazy, a job in Haiti is very hard to find). Herve lead an evangelistic crusade in St. Marc, 185 many came to Christ and instantly Herve had his church! In 2006, Mission Possible brought Pastor Herve to Ohio and hired him as their Director in 2006. His vision to see evangelism and a church in every school has already been accomplished. His discipleship program in each school thru his bible school students is a visionary program based on biblical teaching of Jesus that is building the Kingdom in Haiti and is a recipe to change Haiti at the grass roots.


We’re doing great, going to a remote school tomorrow in the mountains that we have to hike too!

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