Haiti Day 1 - Bon Voyage

So far so good! I left home at 2:40am and got Steve at 3am sharp, Emily at 3:20 and Scott at 3:35. We went Shannonville route then flew down the 401 stopping just before Cornwall at 6am at a service centre for Timmy's.

We did good thru Montreal and arrived about an hour early at 7:30 making the check-in smooth and stress-free! Flight was great, we're about to land, 15minutes early, I better put away my laptop.

We have arrived safely at the Mission Possible compound!!! We arrived just after dark, all is great! What an adventure already. Meeting lots of people here, the "boys” from 3 different teams are sharing a cabin with bunkbeds.

Nathan, I hope you had a great day, I’m so glad I brought your necklace to wear, it’s helps me think of you!

Jacob, I’ve got your skateboard right hear, I’ll try practice so I can do some tricks like you!

Chloe, I’m so glad I brought your heart, nothing could have been better to help me remember you than the heart you gave me, I will hold it often.

Jenny, I love you, I’m doing great and I hope you are doing great too!

Love Dad

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